9 aesthetic workout equipment must-haves for your cute home gym

It’s giving sweaty but chic ✨

pink background with kettlebell, aerobic step, and set of dumbbells
(Image credit: Future)
Aesthetic workout equipment quick menu

As a certified lazy gal, I like to do as much as physically possible from the comfort of my own home. And that even stretches to me occasionally ditching the gym in favor of a trusty home workout — because, sometimes, the thought of having to wrestle into a matching lycra set, and slick my hair back just feels like far too much extra effort.

Whether you’re a yoga bunny, a pilates princess, or a strength training queen, these rubber mats, resistance bands, and dumbbell sets won’t stick out like a sore thumb in your lovely home, but will still ensure you get a proper sweat on.

But if you don’t want your home gym or workout area to give off real Mojo Dojo Casa House energy, swapping the classic black and stainless steel gear for some far more aesthetic workout equipment is key. So, I’ve gone in search of some cute and colorful alternatives!

Best aesthetic workout equipment 

Frequently asked questions

Where can I store gym equipment?

While typical dumbbells and jump rope may not be super attractive to have out on display, the good news about this aesthetic equipment is that it's sure enough to not stand out too much in your space. But if you're looking to tuck them away, try under the bed, in a linen closet, or even slide small flat things like ankle weights under the couch.

What workout equipment is right for me?

Before you order anything, check the instructions and guidelines on the equipment to check it's the right level for you. If you're a beginner you're not going to need a full set of super-heavy weights as they may be a bit challenging. When in doubt, consult with a professional.

Where to buy

Looking for even more aesthetic workout equipment to buy? Get moving with these retailers:

How we chose

It's not always possible to buy or call in samples of aesthetic workout equipment, so in this instance, we've selected items with highly rated reviews. 

Now that you're all ready to work out, you'll need to know how to clean up. See how to wash gym clothes to remove those nasty odors. So fresh!

Freelance Writer