Best flower seed packets

Have you been dreaming of a colorful garden? Grab some flower seed packets and get started. Seeing your own seeds sprout into little plants is quite satisfying.

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Flowers are food for the soul. Having a stash of flower seed packets means that you can plant your favorite flowers when the time is right. Watching your very own seeds sprout and blossom into beautiful little plants is rewarding. You can choose flowers based on color schemes or have a rainbow blooming in your yard. Wondering where to start? Here are the very best flower seed packets.

Staff pick

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Seed Needs wildflower mixture

A colorful blend of flowers to attract butterflies and hummingbirds

This bird and butterfly mixture has over 23 different species of seeds that will produce a colorful blend of wildflowers. All plants will grow to an average height of about 8 to 60 inches tall. With such a beautiful blend of annuals, perennials, and biennials, you will somehow always have butterflies, bees, or even hummingbirds in your garden. The packet has over 30,000 seeds just in case you want to repackage and share.

Best value

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Black Duck Brand bulk flower seeds

Enough seeds to last you a couple of years

You'll receive at least 50 packets of 15 different seed varieties for the ultimate flower garden. You don't have to plant them all at once, when the seeds are kept in a cool, dry place, they will last for years. Each seed packet is individually sealed an includes forget-me-nots, marigolds, pinks, daisies, evening primrose, zinnia, and many other varieties. The garden will bloom with color.

Best sunflowers

(Image credit: Amazon)

Seed Needs bulk sunflower seeds

Keep the blooms going

Sunflowers add instant life to any garden and are absolutely fun to grow, especially with kids. They also make excellent borders along a fence line. While we think of them as giant yellow flowers, they come in classic lemon yellow as well as bright orange and purple. This packet contains over ten sunflower varieties that grow between 1 and 7 feet and will even produce bi-colored blooms. Once the flowers bloom, you can cut and bring them indoors for decor. When other flowers start to fade, sunflowers keep going until the first frost.  

Simple and beautiful

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NatureZ Edge wildflower seeds

Thrives with little effort

Wildflowers are some of the most popular flower seeds and form an integral part of the ecosystem. Besides being easy to plant, they take about 14 to 21 days to sprout. The packet contains 35 varieties of flowers with no filler materials — you get great value for your money. To plant these flower seeds, simply toss them onto bare soil and lightly push them down with your foot or hand. They are perfect for gardeners who want great results without putting in a lot of work.

Beautiful assortment

(Image credit: Amazon)

Sow Right Seeds garden flower collection

Plant now and enjoy blooms for years to come

This Sow Right Seeds flower garden collection includes colorful China asters, snapdragons, cosmos, tree mallows, and zinnias. Whether you choose to plant them in neat lines, or wildflower style, the flowers come back year after year. Plant once and see the blooms not only return, but multiply. These flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. Easy-to-follow instructions are included on each packet to make planting a breeze.

Seeds of remembrance

(Image credit: Amazon)

American Meadows 20-pack forget-me-not seed packets

A symbol of long-lasting connections

The next time you say goodbye to someone special, don't forget to grab them some forget-me-nots. These beautiful, prolific bluish blooms have a rich, fascinating history that symbolizes long-lasting relationships. They are a testament to fidelity or a friendship bond that won't be broken over time. Planting information is printed on the back of the packet.

A hobby to keep you grounded

There is no better way to create your own beautiful garden than using customized flower seed packets. Not only do blooms make everyone happy, but are a low-cost, high-impact home improvement that almost anyone can do.

If you'd like a colorful garden with an assortment of beautiful and diverse flowers, the Seed Needs Wildflower seed packet won't disappoint you. With over 23 individual species of bird and butterfly wildflower seeds, you are bound to have a lovely garden frequented by hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. 

Next time you are saying goodbye to someone special, the American Meadows 20-pack forget-me-not seed packets are there to help you. These flower seed packets make a thoughtful gift to anyone you hold dear. As they bloom, it will be a constant reminder of the beautiful connection you have or had. 

Freelance Writer

Grace Monene is an avid writer with an eye for home and office improvement. She's got a knack for finding the best little things that will improve the quality of in and outdoor living. If she's not writing, she is reading or testing out new technology.