The best fragrant plants for your garden

Fill your garden with beautiful sweet scent with these favourite fragrant plants

fragrant plants: Viburnum bodnantense 'Charles Lamont'
(Image credit: Thompson & Morgan)

Looking for fragrant plants to fill your garden with? Of course, summer provides us with the greatest variety of scented plants, from lavender to roses. But this doesn't mean that there is no fine fragrance to enjoy in the garden in the autumn and winter: look for species with longer flowering periods (some jasmines will go on well into autumn, if it's warm enough) or autumn and winter flowering plants. 

For more advice, find out how to choose plants for your garden and check out our sourcebook of top garden suppliers for all your gardening needs. 

1. Best fragrant climbing plant: Star Jasmine

Trachelospermum jasminoides

(Image credit:

Trachelospermum jasminoides, or Star Jasmine, is a classic fragrant garden plant, its sweet scent travelling through the air all summer long. This variety of jasmine is very fragrant and grows very well against sunny walls. 


Cut back after flowering. In frost prone areas, grow in pots of loam-based potting compost, such as John Innes No2 and move to a frost-free spot in winter.

Soil type: Fertile, well-drained soil

Where to plant: In full sun

Find more ideas for growing a vertical garden in our guide.

Shop Star Jasmine now

2. Best fragrant garden plant for pollinators: Lonicera periclymenum 'Heaven Scent'

Lonicera periclymenum 'Heaven Scent'

(Image credit:

There are lots of different varieties of honeysuckle, not all of them highly fragrant, and some evergreen. Our favourite, though, is the traditional English wild honeysuckle, which smells amazing and attracts pollinators. It is deciduous, however, and will lose its leaves in winter. 


Cut back by about a third after flowering has finished; mulch generously in early spring.

Soil type: Fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil

Where to plant: In full sun or partial shade

Find out more about growing a wildlife garden in our guide.

Shop English wild honeysuckle now

3. Best fragrant garden plant for borders: Lavender 'Melissa Lilac'

lavender 'Melissa Lilac'

(Image credit:

Another traditional favourite, and one of the very best plants for bees, lavender and its sweet herbal scent are synonymous with the height of summer. Our tip is to always go for varieties that have 'Lavandula angustifolia' in the title, as other cultivars may not be scented. For a dreamy, light-coloured variation on the traditional flower, try lavender 'Melissa Lilac'. 


Cut back the stalks after the flowers have faded. Carefully trim back in April, taking care not to cut into old wood. 

Soil type: Moderately fertile, well drained soil

Where to plant: In full sun

Find more purple flowering garden plants to complement lavender. 

Shop lavender 'Melissa Lilac' now

4. Best fragrant garden plant for summer colour: Rose David Austin 'Golden Celebration'

David Austin rose 'Golden Celebration'

(Image credit: Rose David Austin)

A rose to end all roses, 'Golden Celebration' smells even more stunning than it looks, like tea and apple pie (yes, really). The rose is deciduous and will lose all its leaves during winter, but it's a small price to pay for the gorgeous display the following summer.


Fertilise every spring; prune in late winter by approximately a third; dead head after the first flowering to encourage more flowers.

Soil type: Fertile, humus-rich, moist, well-drained soil

Where to plant: Full sun

Shop rose 'Golden Celebration' now

5. Best fragrant container plant: Sweet Peas

sweat peas purple flower

(Image credit:

Another cottage garden classic, the humble sweet pea is powerful when it comes to scent, and makes a lovely fragrant cut flower. Sweet peas are also highly suited to wey British summers. There are lots of varities out there, in a range of colours, but for the intensity of both colour and fragrance, 'Oxford Blue' is one to beat.


Sweet peas have deep roots and will need lots of room to develop those roots, so will need a deep container. Sow seeds indoors in late winter, or sow directly where they are to flower in March/April. Pinch out the tips of the plants to encourage bushier growth and more flowers. 

Soil type: Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil

Where to plant: Full sun

Find more ideas and advice for container gardening in our guide.

Shop sweet pea 'Oxford Blue' now

6. Best fragrant plant for autumn and winter: Viburnum

Viburnum × bodnantense 'Dawn' viburnum pink

(Image credit:

Pretty viburnum is a year-round wonder, with its lovely glossy leaves in the summer, but it really comes into its own mid-October onwards, when it produces clusters of pink and highly fragrant blooms. 

Maintenance: Prune annually, removing old branches. Mulch regularly. 

Soil type: Moderately fertile, moist, well-drained soil.

Where to plant: Full sun or partial shade.

More plant advice:

Anna is a professional writer with many years of experience. She has a passion for contemporary home decor and gardening. She covers a range of topics, from practical advice to interior and garden design.