How to make your apartment feel like a luxe hotel

Bougie on a budget ✨

Gold bed posts and white fluffy bedding
(Image credit: Pottery Barn)

Everyone loves waking up in a hotel, but I think I have an obsession. No seriously, I would live in a hotel if I could, and I’m not even kidding. 

It’s not just about the soft sheets, fluffy towels, and cuddly robes, it’s those little touches that you just don’t get anywhere else. You know, a nice bedside table set up with flavored water, a reading lamp, and even those little notepads. Or, what about how there’s always nicely presented toilet paper and spare products in the bathrooms? 

So, I’m on a mission to give my apartment the hotel treatment, and I’m even talking about turn-down service. That’s right, I’ll re-make my own bed and spray my pillow with lavender if I have to! 

If you’re with me, check out my tips for using hotel techniques at home and learn to treat yourself right. Not only will it make you feel like you’re on holiday but it’s absolutely giving #quietluxury.  

Play background music for a calming vibe  

Beside table with radio

(Image credit: @charlottejacklin)

Many luxury hotels play soft music in bedrooms ready for when guests walk in, whisking them away from their stressful days into a calming environment. The music shouldn’t be too loud, just something on in the background to give your place a bit of atmosphere and help you wind down — especially after a bleugh day at work. Hotels like The Hoxton and Soho House have a cute, vintage-style Roberts Radio on, or you could use a modern record player which adds a little something extra.  

Light a scented candle 

Pink flowers in vase with candle

(Image credit: @rachael__loves)

For me, this is the biggest must-do on the list, especially because it’s one of the easiest. The quickest way to give your home that quiet luxury feeling is to light scented candles and as many as possible! I like to keep a separate scent in the bathroom, bedroom, and living area, layering each one depending on the mood. 

For example, my bedroom scent will have calming notes such as lavender, but my bathroom scent is fresher with hints of citrus. Personally, I think rich, woody scents are great for the living space because they add atmosphere, but it’s down to your taste.  

Do your own turn down service 


♬ And I Love Her (live) - The Beatles Revival Band

Don’t threaten me with a good time — I know how to live on the wild side! Come early evening when you want to start winding down, do a switch around in your bedroom to adjust the mood. 

First, turn the overhead light off and keep just a few lamps on, dotted around the space. Organize your bedside table and clear away any dirty dishes or clutter, replacing this with a lit scented candle and fresh water.

Re-make your bed, turning down the quilt edge and plumping up the pillows. Lay out your sleepwear and finally, give your pillows a spritz with calming sleep spray. It’s a masterpiece.  

Treat yourself to a mini fridge  


♬ AMAZING - Phoebe

Now things are starting to get fun. You might think I’m interpreting this trend a little too literally, but think about it — who wouldn’t want their favorite drinks, snacks and beauty products closer to their bed? 

I love the idea of keeping a mix of sparkling water, pressed juices and cold brew coffee close at hand for when I wake up or relaxing in my bedroom. You can also keep a jade roller, beauty products and face towels in there for a spa-like experience, too. Now, we’re really getting the five star treatment! 

Take your pillow formation to the next level  

Bed with decorative pillows and bedside table

(Image credit: @milly.summer)

Sinking into a hotel bed is a dreamy experience for many reasons, but one of them is the pillow formation. At home, you might have two to four pillows, but in a hotel it’s more like six to eight. 

To get the most sumptuous results, position two square pillows side by side, and then stack another two in front of them. From here, you can lay two longer, rectangular pillows in front, either singularly or again in pairs. Finish this with an additional two decorative throw cushions. Trust me, it’s life changing.  

Invest in hotel-style bedding 

Folded bed linens tied together

(Image credit: @brixtonhome)

Once again, let’s take it back to the bed. Whether it be silky sheets, pillow cases with cute scallop edging or fancy personalized monogram stitching, choosing bed sheets that The Ritz would approve of is one way to live the hotel life at home. Bedding can be expensive, but if you’re willing to invest in luxurious sheets you’ll enjoy the benefits night after night. 

Top tip: If you have the option, go for a non-fitted bottom sheet and you’ll get that romantic ‘ruffled bed sheets’ look that’s oh-so photogenic. And, if ever in doubt on color, always opt for crisp white. It’s classic. 

Create a beautiful bedside area 

Beside table with dark lamp

(Image credit: @sophie_abbott)

Sometimes it’s the little things and having a well-organized spot to put your cup of tea, reading lamp, and bedtime book makes all the difference. 

The perfect ingredients for an aesthetic and clutter-free bedside area include a lamp, coaster, and your favorite mug, a jug of water and glass, a small vase, and a scented candle. I like to keep a stylish magazine rack nearby for my various books, too.  

Wrap yourself in only the fluffiest robes  


♬ A Dream With a Baseball Player - Faye Webster

 As queen of the castle, you deserve only the best so treat yourself to the snuggliest robe you can find. After a shower, just before bed, or when you’re not feeling yourself, a quality robe is just what you need when time snuggled up on the sofa calls. 

While picking a light, neutral color will bring the hotel vibes, bear in mind it will show stains and marks easier.