How to meet the challenges of glazing in a period home

Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing explain how to draught and sound-proof single-glazed windows to ensure a comfortable living space, without impacting the appearance or listed status of homes

Brook house with windows and doors
(Image credit: Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing)

Interweaving modern-day facilities and comfort with the traditional features of historic properties is one of the major challenges faced by architects and builders renovating period houses. Creating a characterful property that caters effortlessly to the needs of 21st century homeowners is something that takes careful planning and, very often, ingenuity. 

Sourcing the right materials and expertise is crucial to any build project, but when the care and conservation of historic architecture is involved, this becomes even more critical. Windows in particular can create difficulties when listings prohibit replacement or alteration. 

Windows in particular can create difficulties when listings prohibit replacement or alteration. Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing offers a viable solution to draught and sound-proof single-glazed windows to ensure a comfortable living space, without impacting the appearance or listed status of homes. Here is how to upgrade your windows and their performance, without losing that all important character.

Install secondary glazing

windows with secondary glazing

Barely visible, secondary glazing is a great way to make original single glazed window reduce both thermal and noise pollution from your home

(Image credit: Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing)

Secondary glazing is an ideal solution. By creating an internal window, on the inside of the original window, you can have all benefits in terms of reducing thermal and noise pollution, but without compromising the integrity of your original windows since the glazing is not visible from the outside of the building.

It is vital that you choose a company with specific experience in working with period homes. Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing is a recognised supplier to heritage buildings, from private period homeowners to organisations such as English Heritage, the National Trust, Historic Scotland and Cadw.

installer installing secondary glazing into a period home

Secondary glazing is easy to install and doesn't affect the integrity of the your home

(Image credit: Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing)

Effectively draught proof

One of the most common challenges with original windows is draughts. These are caused when there is a gap between the window and frame causing cold air to enter the house and warm air to leave. Regardless of severity, it is vital that windows are effectively draught-proofed to improve the insulation of the home. The severity of the problem dictates the appropriate response. Some draught-proofing can even be done on a DIY basis. Use foam, metal or plastic draught strips, or brush seals for sash windows, available from any DIY store. Alternatively, employing a professional will still be a fraction of the cost of a replacement.

Find sympathetic window replacements

When it comes to original features you should always try to repair rather than replace. Even if your windows may look irreparable, having succumbed to rot and broken glass, you’d be surprised at the restoration that can be achieved. If you do need to replace the windows find a company who are used to working on Listed Buildings.

Case Studies

Plas Newydd house

One of the latest projects for the National Trust, Storm fitted secondary glazing to help provide the stunning Plas Newydd mansion in Anglesey to with thermal insulation and draft proofing

(Image credit: Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing)

Brook house with windows and doors

Brook House in Warwickshire was painstakingly renovated and restored and is considered one of the most important buildings in the conservation area to which it belongs. Storm's secondary glazing eradicated the draughts and condensation from the nine original casement windows . 

(Image credit: Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing)


Storm Bespoke Secondary Glazing offers products that are tailored to your home, with made-to-measure units that prevent draughts, improve thermal efficiency and provide noise insulation whilst remaining virtually imperceptible. Having been rigorously tested Salford University, Storm's secondary glazing is the slimmest on the market to offer such high-performance protection from both drafts and noise.  

Individually manufactured Storm can provide solutions for a wide range of windows, including sash, casement and York sliders, along with the shaping of Gothic, Norman and Ogee arches. This means that even the most unusual home can benefit from a 50% increase in thermal efficiency and an 80% decrease in noise pollution making your home warm and quiet. Plus Storm’s affordable payment plan means they can have a more cost-efficient home, by reducing heat loss and shrinking winter bills, without the substantial initial outlay. 

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