Back to work on Monday? Decluttering your wardrobe will make your morning routine quicker

Decluttering and reorganising your wardrobe – one of those jobs for today when the hangover's worn off – is the easiest way to save time in the morning

Pile of clothes
(Image credit: Shutterstock)

Whether you’re looking to refine your morning routine for the New Year to fit in a morning workout, meditate, cook a decent breakfast or simply to enjoy an extra 20 minutes of sleep, saving time is easier than you might think.

Decluttering your wardrobe is the first step to time-rich, stress-free mornings as it ensures that you know exactly where to find your belongings, exactly when you need them. 

These six tip tops for decluttering your wardrobe will make your mornings run more smoothly. If there’s one thing you do in preparation for 2020's return to work, make sure it’s this...

Find more tips on decluttering your wardrobe in our guide. For more cleaning tips and tricks, hop straight to our hub page.

1. Empty the contents of your wardrobe

Completely empty the contents of the wardrobe (yes, even the mismatching pyjamas lurking at the back) and place everything onto your bed. Not only will this help you to realise just how many items you own, but it will also ensure you know exactly how much storage space you have to play with.

2. Try on all your clothes for size

Have a try-on of all your clothes, making firm choices about which items to keep, donate to charity or sell (try using Depop if your clothes are good enough quality to be loved by someone else – you'll actually make money on them, too, that way). 

Check with your local council for tips on where to recycle clothing that’s damaged beyond repair.

3. Think about the last time you wore each item in your wardrobe

Be ruthless when making the decisions, ask yourself if you will miss the item when it has gone and consider how many times you’ve worn it in the last six months (if at all). It’s important to take a minimalist approach and work with a ‘less is more’ concept.

4. Consider your current storage solution

Ask yourself whether you have the right storage solutions for your lifestyle. If your wardrobe is comprised of a lot of dresses, ask yourself if you have enough hanger rails? If t-shirts and jumpers are more your style, consider whether you have ample drawer space? 

If the answer is no, perhaps it is time to consider updating your wardrobe interiors – or to rethink your bedroom storage completely.

5. Reorganise your wardrobe

It’s now time to re-organise your wardrobe. This can be done by category, by colour or by grouping outfits together. These pre-planned outfits can be grabbed quickly in the morning and put on, eliminating the ‘I have nothing to wear’ panic that so many of us have experienced.

In addition to making the space look neater, this will help when you find clothing more quickly, making it ideal for streamlining morning routines. 

Pack away lesser used items – perhaps out-of-season clothing or ski wear – making the most of all floor-to-ceiling space on offer.

6. Keep your space tidy

Finally, conceal the items that you have chosen to keep behind sleek sliding doors as this will help ensure the maintenance of an uncluttered space that's perfect for relaxing in. It’s true what they say about a tidy house and tidy mind – you’re more likely to stick to your morning routine if you’re waking up to a neat and clutter-free bedroom. 

Emily Shaw

Emily first (temporarily) joined the Real Homes team while interning on her summer break from university. After graduating, she worked on several publications before joining Real Homes as Staff Writer full time in mid-2018. She left the brand in 2020 to pursue another career, but still loves a second-hand bargain and sourcing unique finds to make her rented flat reflect her personality.