The Government has announced its intention to scrap the 'Section 21' notices for eviction which, under the Housing Act of 1988, have allowed residential landlords to evict tenants without a reason.
Under new rules, a landlord will have to give a 'concrete, evidenced reason already specified in law' in order to evict a tenant, which gives renters UK-wide hope of more secure tenancies and more confidence when asking for repairs and improvements, without the fear of retaliation eviction.
'Today’s news will bring a greater degree of security and stability to thousands of tenants across the nation and will ensure that any termination of a rental agreement is done fairly and with enough forewarning to enable alternative arrangements to be made,' comments co-founder of Ideal Flatmate, Tom Gatzen.
'As a nation, we rely so heavily upon the rental sector and as this need evolves, so must the way we govern it. Ultimately we want to achieve a harmonious space that not only remains profitable for UK landlords but enables tenants to secure a property quickly and cost-effectively.
'Of course, for those that don’t abide by the rules, there must be consequences, and while today’s news will help rebalance the landlord-tenant scales, it’s important that this doesn’t swing too far the other way.'
Some organisations, notably the National Landlords Association, have voiced concerns, arguing that the new measures may deter landlords from letting properties, fearing that they may not be able to repossess their properties when needed.
However, the fact that most tenancies in England – 90 per cent, in fact – are ended by the tenant, it is clear that the changes to the law will protect the small but significant number of people affected by unfair evictions, rather than create problems for the conscientious landlords who are in the majority.
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Anna is a professional writer with many years of experience. She has a passion for contemporary home decor and gardening. She covers a range of topics, from practical advice to interior and garden design.
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