The most popular bedroom colour is revealed (you'll be shocked by it)

The nation’s favourite bedroom colour isn't the soothing shade you'd think it would be...

a modern bedroom with a deep red bedroom colour feature wall, white bedding and large print
(Image credit: Rest Assured)

Our bedroom colour: it's the last thing we see each day before we nod off at night, and the first thing we see every morning, setting the tone for the day ahead, right? So, you'd guess the best bedroom colour would be one that creates a calm sanctuary – light blue, perhaps; a soft, relaxing green or maybe soothing lilac?  

Boy, would you (and us) be wrong. A study of 2,000 adults has found that the most common colour found in bedrooms is, in fact... (drum roll, please) red.


(Image credit: Jo Sheldrake)

Yup, an astounding 58 per cent of people asked said that they were lovers of colour, so it would seem we’re moving away from safe neutral tones and getting braver and bolder with our choices.  

So, what else tops the list of most popular bedroom colours? Unsurprisingly, soft green was up there, but other hot tones – purple and orange among them – made the top of the list, too. In other words, it seems we want our bedrooms to energise us and make us feel cosy, not just be the tranquil escape you'd expect.

The study, conducted by Rest Assured, is supported by international colour expert, Karen Haller, who says, ‘If you love your home, your home will love you back, so in today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever to surround yourself with colours you love and things that bring you joy.’ Echoes of Marie Kondo there, we think?

What's your take – should bedrooms be dark and energising or cool and relaxing? Get in touch on Facebook and Twitter to let us know, or show us your bedroom pictures on Instagram with the #sorealhomes.

Amelia Smith
Content Editor

After joining Real Homes as content producer in 2016, Amelia has taken on several different roles and is now content editor. She specializes in style and decorating features and loves nothing more than finding the most beautiful new furniture, fabrics and accessories and sharing them with our readers. As a newbie London renter, Amelia’s loving exploring the big city and mooching around vintage markets to kit out her new home.